GoPro / February 4th, 2024

Collection of Go applications in Slackbot, Email Verifier, AWS Lambda, AI Bot


GoPro is a comprehensive collection of Go projects, enriched with OpenAPI. It showcases the versatility of Go through a variety of templates, test cases, and Makefiles, all adhering to best practices. The collection spans a wide range of applications, from using the standard library to more complex projects involving Fiber, Slackbot, Email Verifier, AWS Lambda, and AI technologies like Wolfram and

Beyond just providing code, GoPro also offers a streamlined process for compilation and deployment. It supports Docker and Docker-compose environments, making it easy to transition from development to production. Whether you're building a simple web server or an advanced AI bot, GoPro serves as a testament to the broad applications of Go.

You can learn more about it through this tutorial by freeCodeCamp.